Home / Aico 10 Year Lithium Battery Heat Alarm Ei603 Stand Alone Alarm

Aico 10 Year Lithium Battery Heat Alarm Ei603 Stand Alone Alarm

  • Detail
    • Sensor responds to heat build-up (58°C) from large flaming fires
    • 10 year tamper proof sealed in Lithium battery
    • RadioLINK base 91260 has wireless interconnection
    • Fit in : kitchen, garage.

    • Low battery warning
    • Large Test/silence button
    • Up to 12 alarms can be interconnected
    BS 5446-2:2003

    These products fully comply with UK (UKCA) and EU (CE) regulations.

    All homes in Scotland are now required by law to have ceiling-mounted and interlinked fire alarms. This new legislation applies to heat and smoke alarms. The law places the onus on the homeowner and/or landlord to make these changes – contact your local fire prevention officer for advice or consult the Government website.

    For a smoke alarm that fully complies with new Scottish legislation, see: 91260
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